Maureen Breeze speaking on Coaches Training at the Denver Quality After-School Connection conference
On March 29, student success expert Maureen Breeze will be presenting the webinar Parents as Coaches: Helping your Child Succeed in School and Beyond. This webinar will teach parents the coaching model and how they can use coaching skills, like listening, observing, asking powerful questions, and acknowledging, as a parenting tool to help their children make effective decisions and guide them toward success and independence.
Why should you be equipped with coaching skills? Coaching skills are important to learn when working with adolescents. As children mature, they need less directive parenting and the freedom to develop independence and critical thinking skills to help them become mature, well-adjusted adults. Parents, educators, counselors, and administrators who want to improve effectiveness with students in 5-12 grade are encouraged to join.
Maureen recently spoke to after-school providers on using coaching as a tool to help students discover obstacles, vision, and perseverance to help them overcome challenges at home, in school, and in social situations.
After the conference, Tina Martinez, Director Programs of the Boys and Girls Club of Metro Denver wrote to say:
As you said, Maureen was excellent and several people have commented that it was the best training Denver Quality After-School Connection has offered to date. Thank you for your support of this event and all you do for the youth in our community!
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