
Students across USA protest over college funding, tuition

Carol’s summary:
College applicants are facing one of the worst years ever to gain admission to the nation’s public colleges and universities as schools struggle with deep budget cuts and record numbers of applications, forcing many colleges to cap enrollment. College officials say the enrollment caps could threaten President Obama’s goal of making the U.S. the leader in college attainment by 2020 and undermine the nation’s economic competitiveness.

In USA Today, Barmak Nassirian, associate executive director of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers said that “low-income, minority students could face the roughest road to admission because they often can’t afford private colleges and don’t have the resources or academic credentials to compete with students from wealthier families and better high schools.”

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How can we get student success and transition programs implemented at the k-12 level across the country to prepare students for the educational and economic challenges ahead?

Faced with our education system’s current restricted budgets, how can we ensure that all students receive a quality-education?

How can we lead the way in helping solve this crisis?

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Anger over increasing tuition and school budget cuts boiled over as students across the country staged rowdy demonstrations that led to clashes with police and the rush-hour shutdown of a major freeway in California.
Students, teachers, parents and school employees rallied and marched Thursday at college campuses, public parks and government buildings in several U.S. cities what was called the March 4 Day of Action to Defend Public Education.

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