The acronym STEM — standing for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics — is in many twenty-first century educators’ vocabulary. However, even as awareness increases of American students needing more grounding in STEM skills to succeed in the technological world-of-work, implementation methods are still in an experimental phase.
College and Career Readiness Starts in Middle School
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
You probably remember being asked and/or asking a child a similar question. Emerging college-and-career readiness programs are still asking students the same question but demanding more follow through and from younger pupils.
Study Shows Middle School Transition Affects High School Success
How do we ensure high school students graduate with skills to succeed in higher education and increase the number of students walking on graduation day? Many believe the answer is to start preparing them for success at the beginning of the students’ high school career by helping them through the transition from 8th to 9th grade. Preparing students for their most important transitions is critical to their success, however, a new study of Florida schools shows intervention should start years earlier in the transition from grade school to middle school.
Survey Shows Technical Degrees Have Same ROI as Bachelor’s
As technology advances, students are given more options for furthering their education than ever before. So, how do they decide what is right for them and how “alternative” should their decision be?
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Study Shows Teaching Children Spatial Terms Improves Spacial Thinking
In recent years, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) learning has received a lot of attention as more 21st century jobs require employees to have strong STEM skill knowledge. This increasing need to provide students with more skills in STEM subjects to be ready for the changing world of work has many parents, educators, and policy makers questioning how to add more STEM programs in schools where time and budgets are short.
Should Parents Worry About Text-Based Bullying?
In a recent survey of 1,100 middle school and high school students, 24 percent said they had been picked on via text messaging, which is up from 14 percent when the same kids were surveyed in the year before.
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The Power of Parent Engagement: School Reform Starts at Home
We want higher scores on standardized tests, higher high school graduation rates, and higher numbers of high school grads ready for college. If students are falling short of these demands, it must be the teacher who’s supposed to be teaching them something, right? According to some new studies: wrong.
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Edmodo Connects Students Globally and Opens Windows to the World
Have you ever wished you could connect your students with students across the world? What about provide a once in a lifetime experience to your students without having to leave the classroom? Edmodo can do just that.
Parents and Students Share Stories & Tips on Being Home for the Holidays
Many college students will be returning home next week for fall break, and many more in the following weeks for winter vacation. This can be an academically stressful time for students as they put in extra study time to end the semester strong and start preparing for the upcoming semester. This can also be a socially and emotionally difficult time as they separate themselves from their new lifestyle and friends and get plopped back in the home environment and lifestyle they left months before.
Sixth-Grader Takes Learning Programming Skills into his Own Hands
Do you remember being in class and wondering, “Why don’t they teach us about anything we’re interested in?” The criticism passed through sixth-grader Thomas Saurez’s mind too, except he did something about it.