CAROL’S SUMMARY: Obama made a huge commitment to science funding from grade school through corporate American, as stated in the article below. Innovation,  strides in science, health and industry will not only help solve some of the world’s leading problems, it will also help us to create jobs and industries which can sustain our economy and the global economy for years to come.   Currently, at the high school level America is number 27 in science compared to other developed nations. This focus and funding will help to turn around waning scores in science and math as we prepare students for the suite of competitive skills they will need as adults.
New York Times
By Andrew C. Revkin
In a speech on Monday at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, President Obama presented a vision of a new era in research financing comparable to the Sputnik-period space race, in which intensified scientific inquiry, and development of the intellectual capacity to pursue it, are a top national priority.
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