
Helping Students Help Themselves

I think a lot about the differences between students who succeed and those who fail.

This is obviously an in-depth subject that merits much exploration. I came across an article suggesting one key factor in a college student’s success is the attention, or lack thereof, they receive from advisors. The article, Some Community-College Students Fall Through the Cracks in Their First Month , cites such findings from this year’s Community College Survey of Student Engagement.

The study puts forth that many new students have no contact with their advisors during the first four weeks of class. This is despite most students ranking academic advisement as important to their college career. Though some colleges are taking steps to amend this issue, parents and educators must help provide a strong foundation for students. Parents and educators should teach students how to recognize their need for help, seek it out and be able to ask powerful questions.

Despite their best intentions, parents do sometimes cross the line from nurturing their children to actually hindering their ability to self-achieve.   The article, Hovering Parents Need to Step Back at College Time, discusses these “helicopter parents” and reports they are an everyday phenomenon and, actually, a bit of a hassle.  I know it is difficult for parents to see their kids fail, but failure is a part of life.  This can be especially hard when parents, who have already learned from their own errors, can predict what is coming.  We must remember, though, that we only know these things because of our mistakes.  If kids aren’t given the same opportunity, they will never be able to learn and become stronger from their own adventures.   Parents need to trust that they have laid a foundation for their children to succeed, and then give them space to weave their own paths, complete with both obstacles and achievements.

Hopefully colleges will continue to strengthen and expand their academic advisement services. In the meantime, and beyond then, parents and educators can help provide the tools to ensure that students are well-prepared for college and life.

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