
Dueling Objectives Mark Stimulus at Halfway Point

Carol’s Summary:

One year ago, the federal government infused $100 billion into the education system, nearly double the amount of discretionary money for which the federal Education Department is usually responsible. A chart side noted in the article shows the categories where the money was dispersed. To date most experts agree that the stimulus package averted tens of thousands of teacher layoffs nationwide, and mitigated deep cuts to school programs.

According to this week’s article in Education Week, “to receive most of the education stimulus money, states have to agree to make progress in four key areas: implementing common academic standards and tests, improving data systems, turning around the lowest-performing schools, and improving the effectiveness and distribution of high-quality teachers, especially in high-poverty, high-minority schools. Of the four education improvement priorities in the stimulus law—the four assurances—the one widely seen as most likely to produce lasting change is the call for improved teacher effectiveness and the equitable distribution of teachers across all schools, high- and low-poverty.”

Without student success and transition programs that help students navigate the developmental issues for each grade level, sustainable results are unlikely. LifeBound offers comprehensive programs for grades 5-12 that are designed to help meet the DOE’s goals for education reform.

How can we ensure that states have access to student success and transition programs that support sustainable change?

With states rushing to comply with new federal demands in order to receive money, how can we support the educators who promote and monitor effectiveness?

With so much money disbursed, how can states set up procedures for quickly and efficiently tracking funds and abiding by the new federal rules?


Long-Term Impact Still Uncertain as $100 Billion Aid Flow Continues
By Michele McNeil
February 5, 2010
Education Week

A year ago, the federal floodgates opened for aid to education, releasing a one-time surge of up to $100 billion in economic-stimulus money aimed at both stabilizing and transforming the nation’s public education system.

The results so far have been mixed, as weighed against the Obama administration’s twin goals for its unprecedented infusion of education funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

To view this entire article visit www.edweek.org

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One Response to “Dueling Objectives Mark Stimulus at Halfway Point”

  1. Jack Smith says:

    I think that the stimulus package have helped a lot in restoring the economy. right now we can see some improvements in the economy. right now we can see some improvements in the eco”-:

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