Critical and Creative Thinking Skills Top Priority for Closing Global Achievement Gap

New Book Gives Teenagers 21st Century Skills for Personal, Academic and Career Success

Denver, CO – December 1, 2010 – LifeBound, the company dedicated to student success, announced the release of Critical and Creative Thinking for Teenagers, available on and

Tony Wagner, Harvard-based education expert, cites critical thinking and problem-solving as two leading skills U.S. students must master to close the global achievement gap. LifeBound’s new book helps students develop these higher level thinking skills by using cross disciplinary examples and hands-on activities to illustrate the critical thinking and problem-solving involved in compelling science innovations, engineering feats, and humanitarian advocacy.

“Recent headlines report teen suicides triggered by social media blunders, high student credit card debt, and binge drinking in epic proportions—all pointing to teenagers’ need for greater critical thinking skills,” says LifeBound president, Carol Carter. “And in a challenging economy, the students armed with creative thinking skills will be better able to launch innovations and new companies that will drive the 21st century economy.”

However, lessons for slowing down, thinking through options, imagining solutions, weighing consequences, and evaluating actions are often neglected in current resources. In response, Critical and Creative Thinking for Teenagers gives teens easy-to-use strategies for:

  • Improving observation skills.
  • Developing question asking abilities.
  • Analyzing information by comparing, contrasting and connecting ideas.
  • Piquing curiosity and stimulating the imagination.
  • Evaluating options, decisions and outcomes.

This interactive book includes skill building activities that both challenge students’ thinking, while calling on them to contemplate some of the world’s greatest problems. Classroom curriculum that accompanies the book is also available. “Your materials are right on target…and truly captivate the students,” says high school teacher, Rebecca Mendoza.

About LifeBound

LifeBound was founded in 2000 by Carol Carter, a student success expert who’s written over 20 books on college and career success. LifeBound works nationally and internationally with students, teachers, administrators and parents to help students transition throughout their academic years and to succeed in school, career and  life.

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