Teacher Accountability vs. Student Responsibility

Carol’s Summary:

Teachers have long been held responsible for the success of their students, but now some argue that after a certain age, students should be considered responsible for their own academic success. Many high school and college students hold on to the notion that teachers should remind them to come to class and do their schoolwork, but with age a person should have a better understanding of their responsibilities.

Evaluations of teachers are often based on student performance data, but regardless of grade level the criteria of evaluations remains the same. It is being argued that perhaps the evaluations of high school and college students should reflect less upon the quality of teaching and more upon the effort that the students put forth.

Education is just as much about student performance as it is about teacher performance. While they go hand-in-hand, the success of students, especially those in high school and college, is not always directly attributed to how well a teacher instructs them. Student success also lies in the hands of the individual and his or her goals.

It is important to show students how personally responsible they are for their own success, not only in school but in life. Books such as Sophomore Guide to College and Career help to inspire students to choose the right path based on their goals, and to take responsibility for their actions throughout life. LifeBound’s books connect to students on a personal level, showing them that they are in control of their decisions and plans. To learn more about Sophomore Guide to College and Career and other LifeBound books, visit www.lifebound.com or e-mail contact@lifebound.com.

Teacher accountability schemes let teens off the hook
By Daniel Willingham

Not long ago a student told me a story about taking the SAT. Students were to bring a photo I.D., and the girl in front of her in line had not brought one. When she was told that she couldn’t take the test without the I.D., she was incredulous. She literally did not believe that there would be a consequence for her forgetfulness. She assumed that there would be a Plan B for people like her. When it became clear that plan B was “go home and next time, bring your I.D.,” she was angry and scornful.
To read the full article: www.washingtonpost.com

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One Response to “Teacher Accountability vs. Student Responsibility”

  1. WP Themes says:

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