Poll: Students don’t feel prepared to transition to college

In the 2011 State of the Union address, President Obama said, “nearly half of all new jobs will require education that goes beyond a high school education.” But in a recent survey, most 18-24 year olds gave their high school a low grade for preparing them for the transition to college. A majority said their school didn’t help them find a field of interest to study, help them find the college or vocational school with the right fit, or assist with financial aid.

Statistics show that two-thirds of high school students think students should go after a college degree, even if they haven’t decided on a major. However, the majority of these students won’t walk away with any degree. In the 25-34 year old age group, approximately one-third has earned a bachelor’s degree or higher, and less than 10 percent of students earn an associate’s degree.

One student says she wishes her high school would have taught her how to deal with the real-world, after she got certified in massage therapy just to be laid off and briefly homeless. At 21, she is now self-employed and living with her father. She says she wishes her school would have taught juniors and seniors how to get a job, how to build a career, and the options that come with earning a bachelor’s degree.

Do you know a student who has the drive to go to college but is without direction? Do you know a student who has ambition but lacks life skills? LifeBound’s JUNIOR GUIDE TO SENIOR YEAR SUCCESS starts getting students prepared for senior year, the college application process, and the transition to becoming a global citizen. For seniors transitioning to college, check out MAJORING IN THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Students deal with defining goals, balancing academic and personal lives, aiming for useful extracurricular activities and part-time jobs, finding an internship, sending resumes and going on interviews.


References: Failing to Support Their Pursuit of Jobs, College –  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/19/poll-students-grade-high-school_n_851014.html

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