On the Job, but on the Outlook for Work


Even introverts should open their minds to the power of social networking in a down economy. As the article below indicates, people who get out and meet others through women’s groups, special interests, sports and hobbies will have more job connections and information about jobs than people who keep to themselves. You can network in person or on-line through LinkedIn and sites like FaceBook, but a combination of both strategies is likely your best bet. So, put yourself out there and reap the rewards of expanding your social circle to people who can help you and vice versa.


New York Times
by Laura M. Holson

Networking before the pink slip arrives is a measure of the anxiety seeping into nearly every corner of the work world.
So a few weeks ago, Katherine Wu, an executive at NBC Universal, packed an overnight bag with her yoga mat and drove 80 miles to Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz, N.Y., to a retreat organized by 85 Broads, a women’s networking group. In between spa treatments and sun salutations, she and 17 fellow executives discussed career prospects in an unsettled economy.

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