“Freedom is Not Free” reads the main impact sign of the Korean Memorial at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., alongside other remembrances such as the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the World War II Memorial, and the Vietnam Memorial.
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Extinguishing Behavioral Problems with Peer Programs: Challenging Students to be Active and Accountable
Engaging students is at the top of every educator’s list, but how to engage today’s student is far more vexing.
For some, engagement can mistakenly be synonymous with entertainment. In schools around the country teachers try tricked out gadgets, expensive software, experimental pedagogies to try and tap into what interests the 21st century student. It’s important to cater to the interests of students, but the end result shouldn’t be to be hip to new technology. Instead, engagement, whether achieved through flashy technology or not, should aim to tame behavioral problems, improve student grades and retention, deepen learning, and call student’s forth to be active and accountable .