High school students go on technology fast

Carol’s Summary:

In Portland, Oregon, 54 Lincoln High School students volunteered to participate in a technology fast, which meant turning off the Internet, video games, music devices and cell phones for the entire school week. English teacher, Jordan Gutlerner, came up with the challenge as a way to increase student awareness on how technological devices play a role in everyday life. He asked his students to use these five days of silence to question why it is they use their chosen devices and whether they need to continue using them when the fast ends.

On day three of the fast, one student reported she felt anxious being disconnected from social networking sites because she felt she was missing out on something. Others felt that silencing the buzz of technology gave them the opportunity to see new things in their daily rituals. At the end of the fast, Gutlerner said most of the students will probably go back to their normal usage. However, some did say they were logging off Facebook and MySpace for good, after learning it’s not always bad to be alone.

Article: Students at Portland’s Lincoln High School unplug, experience life without technology

For four days this week, Elise Cramer didn’t pick up her cell phone. The 17-year-old Lincoln High School senior didn’t check Facebook or turn on the television, either.

Read the full article at: oregonlive.com

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5 Tips for Effective Business Communication

Think Globally:

Just 15 years ago, it was common for graduates to have to migrate to larger cities to find employment in their field. In today’s business world, new professionals can expect to see jobs spreading around the world. Communicating across cultures, whether it’s on the other side of the world or on the other side of town, takes extra planning. Avoid stereotyping by educating yourself on how different cultures view elements like gender, age, and personal space.

Your Resume:

Research suggests your resume has 20 seconds to make an impression. While you may have the credentials to qualify for the job, the appearance of your resume is the first thing a prospective employer will see and is just as important as the content. Your resume should never go over one page and it should be tailored with relevant information to help you get the specific job.

Create Goodwill:

Be a positive communicator by focusing on the receiver. In face-to-face communication, increase your listening skills by moving from an unengaged surface listener to an active, perceptive listener who picks up on messages through words and nonverbal cues. If you’re using written communication, use the “you” attitude to show the reader they are important. Put the emphasis on your audience by replacing all words that refer to you with words that refer to your audience.

Planning a Message:

Know your audience, know the purpose of your message, and know why your audience should be interested in your message before attempting to write anything. Once you’ve established your purpose, make an outline of what you will need to include to deliver a message that is effective, concise, and establishes goodwill. While you are drafting, consider the best medium to use to send your message. Technology has provided many ways to communicate but not every form of communication is appropriate for every message.

Interpersonal Skills:

Whether you’re going in for an interview or pitching an idea to your company, you must have strong interpersonal skills. In face-to-face communication, it’s important to show respect to the person you are communicating with by being aware of your verbal and nonverbal cues. Maintain eye-contact, don’t multitask, concentrate on listening, ask questions, and don’t busily plan what you are going to say next in your mind. Be present physically and mentally when communicating with others.

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Correlation between doing well in core classes in high school and college success rates

Carol’s Summary:

The “Mind the Gaps” study, by ACT, found there is a correlation between a student doing well in core classes during high school and the student’s likeliness of attending college or staying in college for more than a year. Students from low-income families and racial and ethnic minority groups who apply for college have a lower success rate than white students from wealthier families. Research found a 14 percentage-point gap between white students and minority students in the rate they were enrolled in college a year after graduating from high school. When the students all hit the ACT college readiness benchmarks, there was only a 6 percentage-point gap.

ACT defines a student to be college-ready if they have had four years of English, and at least three years of math, science, and social studies. Currently, less than one-fourth of students will meet those requirements in all four areas. Cynthia B. Schmeiser, the president of the ACT’s education division said, “Ensuring kids are prepared for college by the time they leave high school is the single most important thing we can do to improve college-completion rates.”

Article: High School Rigor Narrows College-Success Gap

Students from some racial- and ethnic-minority groups and those from low-income families enroll in college and succeed there at lower rates than their white, wealthier peers. But a new study suggests that if teenagers are adequately prepared for college during high school, those gaps close substantially.

Read the full article at: edweek.org

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Teacher honored for excellence

Science teacher Robert Baxter was awarded $25,000 for excellence in the classroom in Buffalo, New York. As a black male, he says he was driven to succeed because no one expected him to be smart. After watching too many of his friends struggle with math and science, two of Baxter’s favorite subjects in school, he was determined to prove anyone can excel and anyone can learn. At Westminster, 98% of the students are minorities, and most come from poverty. Recently, 9 out of 10 eighth-graders who took Baxter’s science class had high enough grades to get high school biology credit.

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“Nonprofit looks to increase male black and Hispanic elementary teachers”

Carol’s Summary:

A new non-profit organization in Jacksonville, called the Achieve Instill Inspire Foundation, is on a mission to attract more black and Latino men to careers in elementary education. The foundation was started back in 2005, and continues to raise money to provide black and Latino men with scholarships to obtain degrees in education. Of the 119,000 elementary students on the First Coast, 20% are black or Hispanic with only 1 percent of the 7,600 teachers in the region being black or Hispanic males. Clay County public schools were up against a civil rights complaint last year because of the lack of minority teachers. Of the 1,480 elementary teachers in Clay County, four were black or Hispanic.

The foundation hopes by exposing black and Hispanic students to leaders and authority figures who are also minorities they will boost their student success rate and increase the number of male minorities graduating from high school. One recruiting supervisor for Duval County schools said, “It’s important for students to have teachers who are reflective of them so they can have role models to look to. That is a key factor in students being able to see themselves in a teaching role, or being able to relate to their teacher.”

Article: Nonprofit looks to increase male black and Hispanic elementary teachers

Joshua Shubert sometimes thinks his third-grade teacher, Wayne Mitchell, is mean. Octavia Shubert, Joshua’s mother, disagrees.

Read the full article at: jacksonville.com

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Parents sign pledge for student success

Carol’s Summary:

On Monday, Indiana State Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Tony Bennett and Indiana Pacers Center Jeff Foster launched Indiana’s Parent Pledge to motivate parents to get more involved in student academics and enhance collaboration between parents and teachers. The Indiana Department of Education is honoring all 80 schools that participated in the pledge and hope it will become a school trend that will spread even further across the state.

The pledge states that upon signing, the parent or guardian will be committed to the academic and career success of the child and treat knowledge as a priority in the home. In order to show their dedication, the parent agrees to enforce some principles in their home such as: reading with their child or encouraging independent reading daily; completing homework and helping when needed; bringing a well-rested student to school on time; and encouraging their child to dream big, among others.

LifeBound will be continuing parent sessions on October 18, which will focus on Coaching Skills for Parents: Setting Expectations and Holding Student Accountable. For more information, contact us at LifeBound.com.

Article: IDOE Asks Parents To Sign Pledge

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Tony Bennett and Indiana Pacers Center Jeff Foster Monday launched Indiana’s Parent Pledge for schools at a signing ceremony inside Conseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis.

Read the full article at: wibc.com

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Carol’s Summary:

When I was young,  I was blessed to grow up on four acres of random desert in Tucson, Arizona.  My Mom would have us go outside after breakfast and at 5:00 she would ring an enormous bell and we knew that we had fifteen minutes to make our way back to the house to get cleaned up for dinner.  During the day, we would spend hours hunting for materials with which to build forts in the desert.  We would also play in an old log cabin and sometimes in my Mom’s old 1956 car which sat in our driveway unused.  We would spend hours observing lizards, hoping to find snakes and chasing quail and roadrunners. Little did I know that the ingenuity the five of us had in these endeavors with our friends would be the foundation of our lives—personally and professionally.  Time away from school in the great outdoors, parks or places of recreation are invaluable assets to developing healthy, creative, capable and strong-minded thinkers.

Today, as the article below indicates, many kids are programmed with little time to spend outside alone or with their friends exploring and creating.  When kids have to think of things themselves—instead of having all decisions made for them—they learn to see choices, trade-offs and consequences.  These critical thinking skills are crucial to success in college, career and life.  The experience that students get while recreating not only helps many students burn-off excess energy, it helps them to develop a healthy, holistic outlook to life. In LifeBound’s books, we emphasize academic, emotional and social development and we don’t think one is better than the others. They are all needed for life success.

Article: Play time: Kids need invaluable, old-style, free-form fun

All work and no play makes very dull kids, and a tight schedule of organized activities — soccer, art classes, music lessons — is no help.

Read the full article at: denverpost.com

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US schools need to look to top talent for effective teaching

Carol’s Summary:

In other countries around the world and in some of the best school systems that exist, 100 percent of teachers are in the top third of their graduating class from college.  In the U.S. only 23 percent come from the top third and 14 percent of that number teach in our most needy, low-come and often urban schools.

First, to attract and retain the best minds to teaching, we have to esteem teaching and let more top talent from other fields into teaching.  The George W. Bush Institute is opening a model of hiring experienced principals who have proven themselves as leaders in other realms of life.  There are models for teaching that are similar to this, but the barriers to entry remain steep.   Second, we need to revamp the schools of education to be places where the brightest minds can grow, contribute, and thrive so that our teachers come out of college with the thinking and problem-solving skills to motivate and inspire the most disengaged students while keeping the brightest challenged to the fullest.  Third, we need to strengthen the ability of all teachers to see their job and their world in increasingly broad terms so that they are bringing in current events, world challenges and other meaningful applications to their classes every day.

There are some amazing teachers who are in our classrooms.  To recruit more  talented and bright minds of all ages, into teaching over the arc of their careers, we need students to see the best teachers in front of them every day facilitating, asking-questions, maintaining strong participation and providing courageous feedback for growth.

Article: Attracting and retaining top talent in US teaching
Helping teachers to lift student achievement more effectively has become a major theme in US education. Most efforts that are now in their early stages or being planned focus either on building the skills of teachers already in the classroom or on retaining the best and dismissing the least effective performers. The question of who should actually teach and how the nation’s schools might attract more young people from the top tier of college graduates, as part of a systematic effort to improve teaching in the United States, has received comparatively little attention.

Read the full article at: mckinseyquarterly.com

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New Technology Can Get You Fired Before You’re Hired

Carol’s Summary:

A startup called Social Intelligence and its companion Social Intelligence Monitoring are the newest concepts influencing the hiring process and job security in the world of work. Social Intelligence scans through social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, LinkedIn and thousands of other sources, to find any hint of bad character in future and current employees.

The software can only use publicly shared information, however, if an employee gets tagged by their friend in a not-so-flattering picture from college, the boss who has Social Intelligence Monitoring will be notified by a text message containing a direct link. The employee’s social networking information will be evaluated using categories like “Poor Judgment,” “Gangs,” “Drugs and Drug Lingo,” and “Demonstrating Potentially Violent Behavior.”

If a company decides to use Social Intelligence they become liable if an employee comes to work displaying violent or threatening behavior because these character traits should have been caught in the scan. The company also cannot punish an employee for past behavior. The concept of the software is to get an idea of who the employee is, rather than punish them for what they have done.

Social Intelligence is only a piece of the predictive industry. Among the growing industry is a company called Recorded Future that uses software to predict traffic jams, public unrest, and stock performance and Google which is developing a search that can predict the probability of employee resignation.

In the future, employees can expect employers to use a combination of data taken from resumes, interviews, work history, etc. as well as from social networking scanners. With this combined data, the company will be able to predict if their employee is going to steal, quit, lie, among many other things, and will stop them before they have the chance to follow through.

Use your best judgment when creating social networking profiles and other online materials. Even though updating your friends on your social networking sites might be one of your favorite pastimes, your audience is the entire Web. Stay safe and don’t let your online personality become a roadblock in your career.

Article: ‘Pre-crime’ Comes to the HR Dept.

In the Steven Spielberg movie Minority Report, police belonging to a special Pre-crime unit arrest people for crimes they would do in the future. It’s science fiction, and it will probably never happen in our lifetimes.

Read the full article at: itmanagement.earthweb.com

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