University Inventions Sparked Record Number of Companies in 2008


Seeking to address an imbalance in U.S. medicine, two dozen medical schools have opened or are set to open, according to today’s article in the education section of the New York Times. On a related note, the latest survey by the Association of University Technology Managers in today’s Chronicle of Higher Education article, reports that universities generated more than $2.3-billion in licensing revenue for 154 colleges. “Academic inventions in medicine, plant genetics, and alternative energy helped to spur the creation of a record 543 new university spinoff companies in the 2008 fiscal year,” writes Goldie Blumenstyk.

For example, Johns Hopkins University, which created a record (for that institution) of 12 spinoff companies in 2008, including one called Amplimmune, is developing biologics drugs that train the immune system to kill cancers. Columbia University, which ranked third in revenues with $135-million, said licenses on 10 to 15 inventions accounted for the majority of its income. “Most of the revenues industrywide come from the life sciences, and we were no different,” said Orin Herskowitz, vice president for intellectual property and technology transfer.

Although Columbia has reaped hundreds of millions in the past from a single set of patents widely used by biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, Mr. Herskowitz said the university’s philosophy is to “move as many things out of the lab as possible and see what sticks.” Consequently, the proliferation of these companies is driving an urgent need for global cooperation of research with the goal of not just being able to compete better, but also to offer solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems. As Nigel Thrift, the vice chancellor of the University of Warwick, in Britain, wrote in her commentary for the Chronicle and posted on Valentines Day:

“Universities, whether they like it or not, are the world’s primary intellectual firefighters. But for all the entirely laudable commitments to global challenges that are a commonplace in American and British universities’ internationalization strategies, too much of the international cooperation around research and teaching still seems to be concerned with strengthening each institution’s competitive advantage. Surely our grandchildren will not thank us for this desiccated view. The world is faced with some truly terrifying dilemmas around climate change, economic inequality, institutionalized violence, and numerous cultural misunderstandings. And, at least in some cases, we cannot wait much longer to find the solutions.”

LifeBound’s student success programs are preparing high school students for college and career success in our global world. Our Junior Guide to Senior Year Success: Becoming A Global Citizen, inspires students to see the world as a community and to discover how they can make an impact in positive ways through their unique gifts and talents. For a review copy of this text, please call the LifeBound office toll free 1.877.737.8510 or email contact@ We look forward to hearing from you.


The Chronicle of Higher Education
University Inventions Sparked Record Number of Companies in 2008
February 15, 2010
By Goldie Blumenstyk

Academic inventions in medicine, plant genetics, and alternative energy helped to spur the creation of a record 543 new university spinoff companies in the 2008 fiscal year, while generating more than $2.3-billion in licensing revenue for 154 institutions and their inventors, according to a survey released on Monday.

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Wi-Fi Turns Rowdy Bus Into Rolling Study Hall

Today’s cover story in the New York Times describes a high-tech experiment in Vail School District, a progressive technology district in Arizona, where Wi-Fi access is now available via a new medium: school buses. Referred to as the “Internet bus” by students, Vail purchased routers at $200 each to create wireless connections, and so far the result has been a calmer bus ride while students get homework done before school, a study hall on wheels. According to the article, “Internet buses may soon be hauling children to school in many other districts, particularly those with long bus routes. The company marketing the router, Autonet Mobile, says it has sold them to schools or districts in Florida, Missouri and Washington, D.C.”

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Kids’ Sweet Tooth Linked to Alcoholism, Depression

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, about two-thirds of Americans are counted as either overweight or obese. Childhood obesity is a serious health crisis, and Michelle Obama is launching a campaign addressing this issue, as cited in a Wall Street Journal earlier this week.

Ms. Obama’s objectives are to:
o improve nutrition and physical education in schools;
o promote activity such as walking and biking in community planning;
o make healthy food more available, particularly in poor areas;
o and make nutrition information on food packages clearer.

Today’s article from AOL News cites a related study that links children’s preference for sweets to a family history of alcoholism or depression. Funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the research was conducted by scientists at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, and published online in the journal Addiction. As the article iterates:

“The findings suggest that a preference for sweets might not be solely about taste buds, but instead could have to do with the child’s chemical makeup and family history. However, an outside expert at the U.K.’s Cardiff University, professor Tim Jacob, told the BBC the Monell study’s findings were interesting, but that it’s tough to make firm conclusions from one study alone. The results could reveal something about children’s brain chemistry, but also might be explained by behavior and upbringing, he said.

“While it is true that sweet things activate reward circuits in the brain, the problem is that sweets and sugar are addictive, because the activation of these reward circuits causes opioid release, and with time more is needed to achieve the same effect,” Jacob said. “But the taste difference may be explained by differences like parental control over sweet consumption.”

Helping students make healthy choices starts at an early age by offering them develop strong decision-making skills. As educators, we can help to make a difference by fostering critical thinking skills and life skills that promote delayed gratification and how to manage strong emotions. All of LifeBound’s student success programs aim to equip students with the skills they need for school, career and life, and our PEOPLE SMARTS book empowers them to make informed decisions. In addition to content that challenges students to assess the outcomes of their behavior, each chapter contains a true story courageous teens who have overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles through personal action. We also offer sessions for parents that teach coaching skills to support them in their role as leaders at home. For more information or for a review copy or to receive a curriculum sample of the PEOPLE SMARTS text, please call the LifeBound office toll free 1.877.737.8510 or email at

AOL News
by Lauren Frayer
(Feb. 10) – A new study finds that children are more likely to have an intense sweet tooth if they have a family history of alcoholism, or if they’ve suffered from depression themselves.

The research was conducted by scientists at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, and published online in the journal Addiction.

Sugary foods and alcohol trigger many of the same reward circuits in the brain, so scientists in this case decided to test the sweet tooth of children with a family history of alcohol dependence. They also hypothesized that children who suffer from depression might be more likely to crave sweets, because they make them feel better.

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Dueling Objectives Mark Stimulus at Halfway Point

Carol’s Summary:

One year ago, the federal government infused $100 billion into the education system, nearly double the amount of discretionary money for which the federal Education Department is usually responsible. A chart side noted in the article shows the categories where the money was dispersed. To date most experts agree that the stimulus package averted tens of thousands of teacher layoffs nationwide, and mitigated deep cuts to school programs.

According to this week’s article in Education Week, “to receive most of the education stimulus money, states have to agree to make progress in four key areas: implementing common academic standards and tests, improving data systems, turning around the lowest-performing schools, and improving the effectiveness and distribution of high-quality teachers, especially in high-poverty, high-minority schools. Of the four education improvement priorities in the stimulus law—the four assurances—the one widely seen as most likely to produce lasting change is the call for improved teacher effectiveness and the equitable distribution of teachers across all schools, high- and low-poverty.”

Without student success and transition programs that help students navigate the developmental issues for each grade level, sustainable results are unlikely. LifeBound offers comprehensive programs for grades 5-12 that are designed to help meet the DOE’s goals for education reform.

How can we ensure that states have access to student success and transition programs that support sustainable change?

With states rushing to comply with new federal demands in order to receive money, how can we support the educators who promote and monitor effectiveness?

With so much money disbursed, how can states set up procedures for quickly and efficiently tracking funds and abiding by the new federal rules?


Long-Term Impact Still Uncertain as $100 Billion Aid Flow Continues
By Michele McNeil
February 5, 2010
Education Week

A year ago, the federal floodgates opened for aid to education, releasing a one-time surge of up to $100 billion in economic-stimulus money aimed at both stabilizing and transforming the nation’s public education system.

The results so far have been mixed, as weighed against the Obama administration’s twin goals for its unprecedented infusion of education funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

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How Students Can Improve by Studying Themselves

Today’s article from the Chronicle of Higher Education describes a new method of improving study habits called “self-regulated learning” proposed by Barry J. Zimmerman of the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, who purports that “explicitly coaching students to think about their study processes and to monitor their learning can pay large dividends.” As the article below notes:

“Mr. Zimmerman has spent most of his career examining what can go wrong when people try to learn new facts and skills. His work centers on two common follies: First, students are often overconfident about their knowledge, assuming that they understand material just because they sat through a few lectures or read a few chapters. Second, students tend to attribute their failures to outside forces (“the teacher didn’t like me,” “the textbook wasn’t clear enough”) rather than taking a hard look at their own study habits.”

LifeBound’s student success programs are designed to help students improve academically, socially and emotionally, and our teacher training centers around coaching skills to help students be their best. Our most widely-used book by middle schools and high schools across the country is titled, Study Skills for Teenagers, which encourages students to notice how they study and to discover their learning preferences. The book also outlines data-proven techniques to help students sharpen their study skills before they get to college. Our innovative book, Critical and Creative Thinking for Teenagers, is coordinated to 21st century skills and helps students think about thinking. To request review copies of these books, please call the LifeBound office toll free at 877.737.8510 or email

How can we better inform curriculum directors at the k-12 district level to adopt learning models that help students be their own best mentors?

How can we help teachers learn coaching techniques that foster best practices across the disciplines?

What can we do to promote deeper learning among our students—learning that focuses not only about subject matter but about themselves and the world at large—which is the cornerstone of critical and creative thinking?

Chronicle of Higher Education
by David Glenn

“OK, how many of you were overconfident about this question? I want to see someone who wrote down a 4 or 5 for confidence.”

Grazyna Niezgoda, a veteran instructor at New York City College of Technology, is reviewing an algebra quiz in front of a crowded section of developmental mathematics—a noncredit course for students who have failed the City University of New York’s mathematics entrance test. If these students want to stay at City Tech, they need to pass that test.

Across the country, many students trip on obstacles like this. But after a decade of trial and error, Ms. Niezgoda and her colleagues believe they have found an effective way to help people through. The technique is “self-regulated learning,” a series of steps that encourage students to evaluate how they study and notice where they are going wrong.

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Recession Affected Students’ Financial Attitudes and Behaviors, Study Finds


A new study sponsored by the University of Arizona titled:  “Wave 1.5 Economic Impact Study: Financial Well-Being, Coping Behaviors and Trust Among Young Adults,” cited in the Chronicle of Higher Education, reveals how the recession has affected students’ financial attitudes and behaviors.  More students reported engaging in what the researchers term “typical” financial coping strategies, like cutting back unnecessary spending. For example, 31 percent said they cut back on communication expenses. However, the report also revealed there was a large jump in the use of “risky” coping strategies, like dropping a class, postponing health care, or using one credit card to pay off another, though relatively few students reported these behaviors.


Even though the number of students engaging in risky behaviors remains small, the researchers predict that habits formed in the college years will stay with the students over their lives, said Joyce Serido, assistant research scientist and co-principal investigator of the study. That means the impact of choices made in college could be magnified over a lifetime. Therefore, it is important for educators to help students make better financial decisions, like borrowing a reasonable amount to stay in school rather than dropping out because of the expense, said Soyeon Shim, professor of family and consumer sciences at the University of Arizona and principal investigator of the study.

 LifeBound’s updated version of MAJORING IN THE REST OF YOUR LIFE (fifth edition), teaches students about personal finance and is relevant for seniors in high school or freshmen in college. Additionally, LifeBound’s ninth grade success book, MAKING THE MOST OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL, will be revised this spring and will include a whole chapter on financial planning and exercises at the end of each chapter to build financial literacy skills well before college. To receive a review copy of either or both books, please call the office toll free at 1.877.737.8510 or email, and we will ship a copy to you.

Chronicle of Higher Education
By Beckie SupianoThe economic downturn has had many negative effects, but for one group of researchers, it came with a silver lining: the chance to see how young adults respond to financial upheaval. Their findings, which show a rise in risky financial behaviors and a drop in self-reported well-being, were released Monday.
The researchers were working on a longitudinal study of college students’ financial attitudes and behaviors when the recession unexpectedly provided a “natural laboratory” for measuring the students’ response to tight times.To view entire article visit

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Failure Rate for AP Tests Climbing

According to the article below from USA Today, the number of students taking AP exams has climbed but so has the failure rate. Students last year took a record 2.9 million exams through the AP program, which challenges high school students with college-level courses. The newspaper’s analysis finds that more than two in five students (41.5%) earned a failing score of 1 or 2, up from 36.5% in 1999.

Next week I will be presenting a session at the First Year Experience 2010 annual conference on the topic: Raising the Bar: Creating Better Prepared Freshmen. If students are to compete with their global counterparts, schools need to adopt Bill Gates’ four Rs: Rigor, Relevance and Relationships, for the 21st century workforce. LifeBound’s programs are coordinated to 21st century skills so that entering freshmen are optimally prepared for college level work and success in their first job out of college. To receive examination copies of our books and curriculum, call toll free 1.877.737.8510 or email

by Jack Gillum and Greg Toppo

The number of students taking Advanced Placement tests hit a record high last year, but the portion who fail the exams — particularly in the South — is rising as well, a USA TODAY analysis finds.

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Students to Help Teachers Better Use Tech

Today’s article from the School Library Journal features a new program called START (Service & Technology Academic Resource Team) that draws upon our school communities’ brightest experts in the field of technology: students. Sponsored by Microsoft and the Corporation for National and Community Service, the program aims to help teachers and staff better integrate technology into schools, starting with six pilots at the following locations:

* New York’s Lower East Side Preparatory High School M515,
* Mississippi’s Tupelo Middle School,
* Pennsylvania’s Parkway West High School,
* North Carolina’s East Garner Magnet Middle School,
* Virginia’s VA Star program at Forest Park High School, and
* California’s Winston Churchill Middle School.

The Director of the Office of Education Technology of the DOE, Karen Cator, says that the START program offers a “unique way of incorporating science and technology into service, providing students with a way to give back to their school community and giving them a taste of actual work in that field.”

Empowering students to teach what they know helps develop their critical thinking and service skills, which is a powerful combination for today’s 21st century learner. LifeBound’s aim is to help equip students with these skills through our stair-step program for grades 5-12. Relevant to this article, our new edition of Making the Most of High School, designed for the 8th to 9th grade transition, includes a chapter on Technology. To reserve a review copy, please call toll free 1.877.737.8510 or email

School Library Journal
by Lauren Barack

The U.S. Department of Education (DOE) believes that when it comes to technology training, we should look no further than a terrific resource already in the classroom—students.

That’s why Microsoft and the Corporation for National and Community Service has launched a new initiative that empowers middle and high school students to help teachers and staff better integrate tech into schools.

“The concept of students as tech support and even teacher support has been around for several years,” says Karen Cator (pictured), Director of the Office of Education Technology at the U.S. DOE. “I think what this initiative does is take the best practices and take them to scale.”

Called START (Service & Technology Academic Resource Team), the program will combine five existing projects such as GenerationYES!, in which students help teachers come up with compelling assignments using technology, and MOUSE, where students act as tech support in schools, and bring them together under one umbrella.

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New Research Complicates Discussions of Campus Diversity—in a Good Way


In 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled during Grutter v. Bollinger in favor of the University of Michigan Law School’s affirmative action argument that race-conscious admissions was justified by the educational benefits the diversity provided their students. New research on campus diversity, which goes beyond admissions to provide colleges with insight on how to structure their policies to maximize educational benefits for minority students, has sparked a national dialogue of divergent perspectives on this topic, which are featured in today’s article from the Chronicle of Higher Education. Following are excerpts from the article:

Jeffrey F. Milem, a professor of higher education at the University of Arizona, is quoted in the article: “You can’t just bring together a group of racially diverse people and assume that there will be benefits that come from that. That is an important first step, but it cannot be the only step colleges take.” Daryl G. Smith, a professor of education and psychology at Claremont Graduate University, agrees. She states that, “The conditions under which you bring people together matter.” Smith also says that many of the new studies “reveal key differences in how various racial and ethnic groups interact and show how colleges’ policies influence whether—and what—students learn from one another.”

James Sidanius, a professor of psychology and of African and African-American studies at Harvard University, acknowledges in his book, The Diversity Challenge: Social Identity and Intergroup Relations on the College Campus, that a long-term study of about 2,000 students at UCLA failed to confirm his belief that the university’s diversity and efforts to promote multiculturalism had a profound effect on students’ attitudes toward members of other racial and ethnic groups. In fact, some black students’ grades had suffered from their belief that they were admitted through race-conscious admissions policies, but also that involvement in racially or ethnically oriented campus groups appeared to hurt students’ ability to relate to peers from other racial and ethnic backgrounds. Rather than being challenged by advocates for minority students, the study has been praised by several as solid.

Ms. Darrell Smith, of the Claremont Graduate University, says, “The issue in this research should not be to demonstrate that we want diversity or don’t want diversity. The issue today should be: How do we go about building a healthy democracy in our institutions, building pluralistic communities that work?”


The Chronicle of Higher Education
January 31, 2010
New Research Complicates Discussions of Campus Diversity—in a Good Way
By Peter Schmidt

A new wave of research on campus diversity holds the promise of improving how colleges serve students of different hues. On the fundamental question of whether racial and ethnic diversity produces educational benefits, the latest studies’ bottom line is: Sometimes. With the right mix of students. If handled delicately.

The increased nuance and complexity of the recent research is seen as a byproduct of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2003 Grutter v. Bollinger ruling, in which a slim majority accepted the University of Michigan Law School’s argument that the educational benefits arising from campus diversity justified the use of race-conscious admissions.

In putting to rest courtroom debates over the constitutionality of such policies, the Grutter decision left proponents of affirmative action feeling freer to study—and publicly acknowledge—shortcomings in colleges’ efforts to promote diversity. Colleges have interpreted the ruling as requiring them to demonstrate how race-conscious admissions policies advance their missions. That, in turn, has created demand for research on the nuts and bolts of using diversity to improve education.

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States Said to Lag in Using Data Systems Well


While more states have better systems for tracking student data, many are not using the data effectively to improve education, according to a survey by the Data Quality Campaign (DQC). Since 2005, the DQC, which promotes and tracks the use of data in education, has been focused on identifying key components of state data systems and pushing for their development. Now that the movement to create data systems has been advanced by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the DQC is shifting its focus to the effective use of that data by districts and schools. This year’s DQC report is the first to outline 10 state actions that should ensure “their longitudinal-data systems can be used to inform decisions and policies to improve student performance.”

According to the Education Week article below, “In a November survey, DQC reported that 44 states collect data that can identify the schools producing the strongest academic growth for students, up from 21 states in 2005. In addition, 47 states now have the components needed to calculate a longitudinal graduation rate using the method agreed upon in 2005 via a National Governors Association compact.” But the article also states that 43 states have implemented only three or fewer of the 10 state actions specified in the DQC’s report.

Collecting quality data is one of the keys to improving our nation’s educational system and addressing the obstacles students face to learning. This is why all of LifeBound’s programs include pre and post assessments to measure students’ progress with the skills discussed in each book and to show these results for future improvement. If you would like a sample copy of our data assessments on any of the LifeBound books, please call toll free 1.877.737.8510 or send an email to:


Education Week
States Said to Lag in Using Data Systems Well
By Dakarai I. Aarons

States have made progress in building data systems that track student performance over time, but are behind the curve in sharing the information in a way that leads to meaningful decisionmaking, according to a national survey released today.

The Data Quality Campaign, a foundation-funded organization in Washington that promotes and tracks the use of data in education, has been focused since 2005 on identifying the key components of state data systems and pushing for their development. Now that much of that work is under way, the group is shifting its focus to describe and promote the use of the data.

“The education sector is on the cusp of becoming an information-based enterprise,” the report says. “But reaching this goal depends on states taking actions that change the historically entrenched culture of using data for compliance reporting into one that values analysis of data and prioritizes constant communication to all stakeholders of the education system.”

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