Thinking Happy Thoughts at Work


Employee satisfaction has hit a 22-year low. That’s how long the Conference Board has annually surveyed 5,000 households on the topic. In 1987, 61% of people reported being satisfied with their jobs and in 2005 it dropped to 52%. Today it’s 45%, sparking interest in “happiness coaching” in the workplace. According to the Wall Street Journal article below, employers are starting to hire trainers in the field of positive psychology to inspire workers to have a more positive attitude. Commonly referred to as “happiness coaches,” they may suggest the following tips for boosting office personnel and consequently office morale:

o “Write e-mails to your co-workers every day thanking them for something they have done.
o Meditate daily to clear your mind.
o Do something for somebody without expecting anything in return.
o Write in a journal about things you are thankful for;
o Look for traits you admire in people and compliment them.
o Focus on the process of your work, which you can control, rather than outcomes, which you can’t.
o And don’t immediately label events good or bad, but remain open to potentially positive outcomes of even the most seemingly negative events.”

The article also cites the following studies that indicate employees’ positive attitudes can be good for business:

o A 2004 study of 60 business teams in the journal of American Behavioral Scientist found teams with buoyant moods who encouraged each other earned higher profit and better customer-satisfaction ratings.
o A 2001 study at the University of Michigan says people who are experiencing joy or contentment are able to think more broadly and creatively, accepting a wider variety of possible actions, than people with negative emotions.

The value of coaching is also increasingly being implemented in the field of education, and to help meet the demand LifeBound offers academic coaches training twice a year in Denver, Colorado. Our training–which is attended by administrators and faculty across the country from k-12 through post secondary–is designed to boost emotional intelligence and develop leadership skills. Many of our participants who were formerly principals, teachers or counselors have been promoted to the district level after completion of our training sessions. Our next training dates are June 14, 15, and 16, 2010. For more information about LifeBound’s academic coaches training and the registration process, please call us toll free at 1.877.737.8510 or email


Thinking Happy Thoughts at Work
January 27, 2010

Like many workers, Ivelisse Rivera, a physician at Community Health Center, Middletown, Conn., feels stressed-out by mounting workloads. And she didn’t expect to get much help during her employer’s annual staff meeting last November—just the usual speeches on medical issues.

Instead, she got a big dose of something new: Happiness coaching. Keynote speaker Shawn Achor—a former Harvard University researcher and former co-teacher of one of the university’s most popular courses, Positive Psychology—extolled 90 listening employees to shake off dark moods at work by practicing such happiness-inducing techniques as meditation or expressing gratitude.

To her surprise, Dr. Rivera says, she drove home filled with thoughts about cheering up; “if I assume a negative attitude and complain all the time, whoever is working with me is going to feel the same way.”

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In a Speech Focused on the Economy, Obama Calls for Cutting College Costs


President Obama’s first formal State of the Union address last night focused on the nation’s economy, and specifically, helping make college more affordable. “In the 21st century, one of the best antipoverty programs is a world-class education,” he said, calling for a $10,000 tax credit to families for four years of college, as well as an increase in Pell Grants. But even with financial aid, many students have trouble affording the basic fees. According to the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, median family income increase by nearly 150 percent during the last 25 years, only to have college tuition and fees skyrocket by 439 percent during the same time period.

According to the Chronicle of Higher Education article below, Obama “urged Congress to finish legislation that would restructure federal student lending and proposed a more lenient loan-forgiveness program for graduates with federally subsidized student loans.” He will ask Congress to boost federal spending on education by as much as $4 billion in the coming 2011 budget, Education Secretary Arnie Duncan said earlier in the day. Of that total, $3 billion will go toward elementary and secondary education and $1 billion will be for higher education.

In the U.S., 1 out of every 4 college students drop out or stop out (postpone their education and enroll again later). Closely linked to college drop-out rates are the numbers of high school students who quit school. In a May 2009 report by the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, and the Alternative Schools Network in Chicago, Illinois, approximately 600,000 students dropped out in 2008. If they had stayed in school and graduated, they would have generated over $1 billion in state and local taxes in just one year of their working lives. Consequently, addressing our nation’s drop out crisis is one antidote to the high cost of college. Without correcting the patterns of underachievement that often begin in middle school, the U.S. high school drop-out crisis will persist, making college even more unattainable.

What kinds of supportive strategies can we put in place at the middle school and high school levels to help students prepare for college and career success?

How can we boost students’ intrinsic motivation to see themselves as learners who have the ability to achieve academically?

How can we better serve students so that they excel in their areas of strength and interest while also providing opportunities to improve in areas of learning deficiencies?


The Chronicle of Higher Education
January 28, 2010
In a Speech Focused on the Economy, Obama Calls for Cutting College Costs
By Libby Nelson

In his first formal State of the Union address on Wednesday night, President Obama focused on the nation’s economic problems but also zeroed in on several issues of concern to higher education, including college costs.

He urged Congress to finish legislation that would restructure federal student lending and proposed a more lenient loan-forgiveness program for graduates with federally subsidized student loans.

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Female Undergraduates Continue to Outnumber Men, but Gap Holds Steady


There are more men than women ages 18-24 in the USA — 15 million vs. 14.2 million, according to a Census Bureau estimate last year. But nationally, the male/female ratio on campus today is 43/57, a reversal from the late 1960s and well beyond the nearly even splits of the mid-1970s. The National Center for Education reports the number of females attending college in 2004 surpassed males by about 200,000 nationwide. According to a new study, “Gender Equity in Higher Education: 2010” by the American Council on Education, that gap has remained steady, however, the enrollment disparity between Hispanic men and women has continued to increase with enrollment of undergraduate Hispanic men ages 24 or younger dropping from 45 percent to 42 percent between 1999 and 2007, according to this same study. The percentage of undergraduates at community and four-year colleges who were male hovered between 42 percent and 44 percent from the 1995-1996 academic year to 2007-2008, the last year for which data was available, says the report. Fewer than half of foreign-born Hispanic men who live in the United States complete high school.

Jacqueline E. King, assistant vice president for policy analysis at the council and author of the report, added, “There has been some anecdotal evidence coming in from community colleges saying that since the recession, they’ve seen enrollment of non-traditional-aged men expanding pretty rapidly. They’ve been laid off or they’re worried about being laid off, so the job market is pushing them to upgrade.” King also found that 68 percent of college enrollees from low-income families were female; only 31 percent were male.

How can we do a better job getting Latin males into the college pipeline starting in middle and secondary schools?

What pedagogical approaches might need to be put in place that honor the different learning preferences between boys and girls?

How can we draw more men to the teaching profession who in turn become role models for boys?


The Chronicle of Higher Education
January 26, 2010
Female Undergraduates Continue to Outnumber Men, but Gap Holds Steady
By Andrea Fuller

The gender gap in undergraduate enrollment appears to have stopped widening for most groups, according to a report being released on Tuesday by the American Council on Education.

The percentage of undergraduates at community and four-year colleges who were male hovered between 42 percent and 44 percent from the 1995-1996 academic year to 2007-2008, the last year for which data was available, says the report, “Gender Equity in Higher Education: 2010.” Among undergraduates who were black or age 25 and older, even smaller proportions were male, but the ratio of women to men in those groups was relatively stable over that same time frame.

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RTI Said to Pay Off in Gains for English-Learners

Response to Intervention, or RTI, “provides extra help to struggling students with an aim of reducing the number of referrals to special education.” The Chula Vista Elementary School District in California has become a national model in how this process applies to English-language learners, which make up 36% of the district’s 27,450 K-6 students.

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Parents grade public schools on how well they emotionally support children with problems

The blog article below from the Los Angeles Times and published in today’s ASCD Smart Brief, releases information from a national poll on children’s health from the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital where parents rated public schools on the support children receive with behavioral, emotional or family problems. The report highlights that “About one-third of parents give primary schools an ‘A’ for providing support for kids with behavioral, emotional or family problems; less than one-quarter of parents give secondary schools an ‘A’.” The report concludes: “In the current economic climate, some stakeholders argue that school funds should be restricted to instructional services. However, drastic cuts to student support services may, in the end, work against instructional objectives, if behavioral or emotional problems interfere with children’s ability to learn.”

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American Universities Rush to the Front Lines in Haiti


Many American colleges and universities have longtime connections to aid work in Haiti and since the devastating earthquake earlier this week, are providing financial assistance and on the ground emergency relief. As the article below cites, “The largest effort to put teams of university doctors on the ground has come from the University of Miami, which began sending medical professionals to Haiti the day after the earthquake.” Because of its proximity to Haiti, Miami has dispatched several flights each day back and forth, transporting doctors and supplies to Port-au-Prince and bringing severely injured patients to Miami hospitals.

The program director for emergency and disaster management and homeland security at American Military University, Christopher M. Reynolds, said, “I knew of more than a dozen students and faculty members in Haiti, doing such work as logistics operations and search-and-rescue missions through the military. The university’s students get course extensions on the basis of their deployment papers.” Similarly, Wallace E. Boston Jr., president of the parent American Public University system, wrote the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to pledge their support. He launched an e-mail to more than 1,000 students and alumni informing them that he was creating a list where people can submit their skills and availability to FEMA. Dr. Kurt K. Rhynhart, a general surgeon at Dartmouth-Hitchcock, said in an e-mail message from Haiti, “I have never seen so much poverty and am humbled by it,” “But the people are the most friendly, proud, and thankful I have ever met. I am certainly glad I came and am sure this won’t be the last time.”

Disasters like this are strong reminders that we live in a global world. As educators, we play a key role in helping students envision the difference they can make as future professionals. Students tend to be more motivated and engaged in the classroom when they understand how education connects to careers and perhaps more importantly, why we work. While everyone needs a job to support themselves and their families, it’s the ability to use our gifts and talents to help other people that give real meaning to college and career success. Let’s champion our students to do and be their best. There’s a big world out there that needs them.


The Chronicle of Higher Education
January 21, 2010
American Universities Rush to the Front Lines in Haiti
By Andrea Fuller

Brian W. Loggie, a professor of surgery at the Creighton University School of Medicine, has gotten little sleep in the past week.

Days after a devastating magnitude-7.0 earthquake rocked Haiti, Dr. Loggie and several of his colleagues arrived at a medical facility in the Dominican Republic, 30 miles from Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital. Since then, they have been operating on victims and trying to manage the flow of the hundreds of people overwhelming the facility.

“What we’ve been seeing are just many, many, many patients, a lot of orthopedic injuries, a lot of open fractures that are infected,” Dr. Loggie said in a telephone interview. “We’re seeing so many amputations.”

There are dozens more doctors like Dr. Loggie spread across Port-au-Prince and nearby towns, performing surgeries in makeshift hospitals and calming frantic patients. While many American colleges are providing financial assistance to Haiti, some, like Creighton, have sent teams of nurses and surgeons.

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Cost of College Is a Big Worry of Freshmen in National Survey

According to an annual nationwide survey, the recession hit this year’s college freshmen hard, affecting how they chose a school as well as their ability to pay for it. This week the Higher Education Research Institute at the University of California at Los Angeles, regarded as one of the premier research and policy organizations on postsecondary education in the country, released their 44th “The American Freshman: National Norms Fall 2009” report, which provides information about the demographic profile, perceptions, and mind-sets of their incoming freshmen classes. At the start of the fall semester, the Institute surveyed 220,000 first-time, full-time freshmen from 297 four-year colleges and universities. Some interesting findings summarized in the Chronicle of Higher Education article below include:

• “About two-thirds of freshmen said they were either somewhat or very worried about their ability to finance their college educations. Those citing “some” concerns about money increased about two percentage points, to 55.4 percent, while students citing “major” concerns remained at 11.3 percent, about the same as in 2008.”
• “A record-high 4.5 percent of freshmen said their fathers were unemployed. (That rate had long fluctuated between 2 and 3 percent.) The proportion of students saying their mothers were unemployed, which has risen steadily from 5.4 percent in 2006, reached 7.9 percent in 2009.”
• The number of students taking out loans was at its highest in nine years, at 53.3 percent. (Source: New York Times
• “The proportion of students planning to major in business dropped in 2009 to a 35-year low of 14.4 percent, and those with “business career aspirations” fell two percentage points from 2008.”
• “78 percent of the freshmen said being financially well-off was an important objective, making that the most prevalent goal among incoming freshmen for the second year in a row. In second place was raising a family, which about 75 percent of the students said was very important to them.”
• “39 percent of freshmen said they would need tutoring while in college.”

The director of the survey, John H. Pryor, told the Chronicle reporter, “The effects of the economic downturn were spread across the college experience, whether the issue was how to pay for college or what majors and eventual careers to pursue.” The report also states that one in five of today’s freshmen entering a four-year college as a first-year student had remedial work in high school and that “Almost twice as many … believe that they will need special tutoring or remedial work in college.”

LifeBound’s transitions programs are designed to prepare students for college and career success, and the new edition of our book, Making the Most of High School, will include a chapter on personal finance. If students learn the requisite skills starting in middle school, they will be better positioned to succeed in life after high school.

How can we make college more affordable for students who desire to go and help them succeed once they get there?

How can k-12 school districts and parents better prepare students with the tools and confidence they need to persist and succeed to college graduation?

What programs can we put in place at the middle school and high school levels that help students see the connection between school and future career success?



The Chronicle of Higher Education
January 21, 2010
Cost of College Is a Big Worry of Freshmen in National Survey
By Ashley Marchand

Financial concerns, from paying for college to job prospects, dominated the new-student experience in 2009, according to an annual survey on freshman attitudes.

About two-thirds of freshmen said they were either somewhat or very worried about their ability to finance their college educations. Those citing “some” concerns about money increased about two percentage points, to 55.4 percent, while students citing “major” concerns remained at 11.3 percent, about the same as in 2008.

The survey, The American Freshman: National Norms Fall 2009, is conducted by the Higher Education Research Institute at the University of California at Los Angeles. This was the 44th year of the report, which provides institutions with information about the demographic profile, perceptions, and mind-set of their incoming freshmen classes.

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If Your Kids Are Awake, They’re Probably Online

Based on the New York Times article below (also distributed by the ASCD Smart Brief), a new study from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that children ages 8 to 18 spend more than seven and a half hours per day using a smart phone, computer, television or other electronic device. Additionally, because many of them are multitasking, some children are actually cramming almost 11 hours on average of media content into those seven and a half hours.
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The four ‘R’s’ – a charter school that works


CAT, City Arts and Technology High School, a charter school in San Francisco, California, adheres to the four R’s (rigor, relevance, relationships and results) to listen to each student and strengthen their voice with “basic skills and motivating ideals.” And it seems to be working for them. According to the article below, “Three-fifths of CAT students come from poor homes, but about half score at proficient or advanced levels on state tests. A remarkable four-fifths of all seniors enter a four-year college.”

In an article for by Raymond J. McNulty of the American Association of Administrators, he cites a five-year study involving 75 high schools in 10 states. The initiative, known as “Models, Networks and Policies to Support and Sustain Rigor and Relevance for All Students,” is led by the International Center for Leadership in Education, which has enlisted the expertise of the Quaglia Institute for Student Aspirations. McNulty writes:

“While we have heard for some time the call for rigor and relevance, now education leaders are adding the third R for relationships. Schools across the country are realizing that rigor and relevance develop most naturally when they are cultivated on firm grounding in relationships. Relationships do not become a new standard or replace rigor and relevance. They are a way to improve learning. The recent work of the International Center has examined some of the most successful high schools in the country — schools that have the challenges of poverty, mobility and diversity but still have high rates of student success. In these schools, relationships among students and staff are deliberately nurtured and a key reason for student success. Students believe the staff genuinely cares about them and encourages them to achieve at high levels. If there is not a high level of positive relationships, students will not respond to higher expectations.” Findings from this study showed that “close to 20 percent [of students] surveyed give up when they encounter difficult schoolwork. Only 60 percent reported they try their best in school, and the same percentage said teachers recognize them when they try their best. The gap between wanting to achieve and persevering to meet that goal must be examined, as must the role teachers play in recognizing effort and perseverance.”

Education’s goal must be rigor, relevance and relationships if we want to prepare students for college, work and life in the 21st century. Realizing this requires school staff to work collaboratively toward common goals through analyzing data, adopting best practices, taking risks and embracing change. Each of LifeBound’s student success books has a corresponding curriculum which incorporates the “Four Rs” based on The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s educational framework. Assessments are administered at the start and end of class to show results. To view curriculum samples, visit or call the LifeBound office toll free at 1.877.737.8510 to request that we mail these to you.

How can we help students do a reality check which closes the gap between wanting to achieve and persevering to meet these goals?

How can we as educators also close what McNulty calls, “the participation gap,” which is characterized by students who feel unwelcome, disconnected and lost in our schools?

How can we help students believe in their ability to meet high academic standards?


The San Francisco Chronicle
The four ‘R’s’ – a charter school that works
Bruce Fuller
Sunday, January 17, 2010

“Good audience skills are imperative,” Danielle Johnson reminds her restless 10th-graders as one, Raquel, nervously fiddles with her laptop before holding forth on her project portfolio at City Arts and Technology High School (known as CAT), a charter school of 365 students on a green knoll above the blue-collar southern reaches of Mission Street in San Francisco.

“I decided to use the story of my mom getting to this country as an immigrant,” Raquel says, moving into her personal-memoir segment, sniffing back tears as a blurry photo of her mother at age 18 appears on the screen. “I had never asked my mother about how she got here.”

CAT exemplifies President Obama’s push to seed innovative schools that demand much from all students, echoed by Sacramento’s $700 million reform plan that goes to Washington this week. How to bottle the magic of CAT teachers like Johnson – listening carefully to each teen, strengthening each voice with basic skills and motivating ideals – is the challenge facing would-be reformers.

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Even in a Recovery, Some Jobs Won’t Return


According to the Wall Street Journal article below, the evolving times and dour economy have left permanent scars on the job market. Even when the economy picks back up, certain positions such as those in the housing and finance sectors are not expected to return to their pre-economic crisis status. Also, the recession has accelerated unemployment in careers already on the path to extinction due to advances in information technology. These jobs include record shop workers, photofinishing establishments, and secretaries and mailroom clerks. Therefore, unlike recessions of the past, recovery will take longer because new jobs will need to be created. Workers will need to acquire a whole new set of skills necessary for surviving in the ever-changing job market.

While we cannot accurately foretell what jobs will flourish in the future, we can prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s careers by instilling emotional intelligence and critical and creative thinking skills in order for them to possess interpersonal skills and achieve problem-solving success. With an evolving employment landscape, it is critical for students to be sharp and adaptive. At LifeBound, our programs for grades 5-12 aim to develop academic, emotional and social skills to help students learn and succeed in the global marketplace. For more information on LifeBound programs visit or email


The Wall Street Journal
JANUARY 12, 2010
Even in a Recovery, Some Jobs Won’t Return

Even when the U.S. labor market finally starts adding more workers than it loses, many of the unemployed will find that the types of jobs they once had simply don’t exist anymore.

The downturn that started in December 2007 delivered a body blow to U.S. workers. In two years, the economy shed 7.2 million jobs, pushing the jobless rate from 5% to 10%, according to the Labor Department. The severity of the recession is reshaping the labor market. Some lost jobs will come back. But some are gone forever, going the way of typewriter repairmen and streetcar operators.

Many of the jobs created by the booms in the housing and credit markets, for example, have likely been permanently erased by the subsequent bust.

“The tremendous amount of economic activity associated with housing, I can’t see that coming back,” says Harvard University economist Lawrence Katz. “That was a very unhealthy part of the economy.”

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