The Curse of the Class of 2009

According to the article below, this year’s graduates will experience the lowest wages in the last twenty five years and can be impacted by those low wages for at least a decade.

Interestingly, I graduated in 1984 which was the last really bad economy. I got a job with a degree as an English major and was paid $14,000 a year with a company car. This was a time when almost all graduates were majoring in Business. It was a good job and ended being a place where I made my career for seventeen years before I started my own company. At age twenty-six, I was promoted to Assistant Vice President, and I managed a team of fourteen people. Many of my friends also landed strong starter jobs such as this, which yielded great experiences as time went on.

What made those of us stand out and become recession-proof was:

1) A willingness to learn, to grow, to work hard and to do high quality work.

2) Experience through internships which could attest to our business acumen and maturity.

3) A strong academic record complemented by leadership experience.

4) A creative, determined and resourceful attitude which involved making a difference.

If you are graduate who really offers value, focuses on results and is a delight to work with you, too, will have the strongest chance of landing a job as a starting point which can blossom into a career for you. Don’t worry if the job isn’t paying much, focus on what experience it provides to you so that when the economy turns around you will be ready to soar.



Wall Street Journal
The bad news for this spring’s college graduates is that they’re entering the toughest labor market in at least 25 years.

The worse news: Even those who land jobs will likely suffer lower wages for a decade or more compared to those lucky enough to graduate in better times, studies show.

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Top 10 Strategies for Bolstering Students’ Mental Resilience

In the article below by Sally Spencer-Thomas, there are many good tips to
help students weather the current economic climate. Chief among them is
managing mental, physical and emotional health. When stress is high, many
students forget to get centered and often issues of emotional and mental
health are the last things students or families might consider. During this
time, parents and teachers can model perspective, resilience and
perseverance so that students have patterns around them of courage in the
face of challenge.

If you are working with students who have suffered disappointment, ask them
what other options they have and what they might learn from this setback. If
you are working with students who feel hopeless, ask them to document the
things in their life for which they feel grateful so that they can focus
more closely on what they do have, not what they don’t have. If you are
working with a student who doesn’t know who they are or what they want out
of life, refer them to a campus advisor or the career center where someone
skilled can walk them through questions which will allow them to see their
gifts and talents. If you are working with a student who has suffered a
family loss to death, encourage them to get help from a mental health
professional. The ability to get help–from friends or professionals– in
times of great challenge is the mark of a very mature and thoughtful person.

If we can all work together to show students how to cope, they will come
through this time with a creative, indomitable and strong spirit on which
they can draw for their rest of their lives.

May 15, 2009

As a faculty adviser at Regis University, I have seen countless students who feel under stress and wonder if they are up for the challenge of college life. That stress has only been compounded by the financial difficulties that many more students and their families are now facing. But the good news is that those of us who work on campuses can encourage mental resilience among students, even — perhaps especially — during these tough economic times, if we:

Scan the environment. We should open our minds as if we were anthropologists 50 years from now, returning to our campuses to understand students’ stress in 2009. What are the messages in the campus media? How does the institution’s ebb and flow during the year contribute positively or negatively to a thriving community? Who are the heroes? What are the rituals? How do professors and administrators talk about coping? What are other cultural cues that might be sending explicit or implicit messages?

Serve as models of emotional intelligence and mental wellness. We can forget that, at times, we feel as overwhelmed as our students do. I recently attended a conference where the presenter asked a room full of student-life professionals if within the past year they had ever felt so overwhelmed that it was difficult to function. Every person’s hand went up.

I certainly struggle with that every day. As a parent balancing family responsibilities with a full-time job and part-time nonprofit work, I am committed to making mental wellness a priority. While I am far from perfect, working at Regis reminds me to strive for the Jesuit ideal of cura personals, or care for the whole person.

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Gen Y Gets Working


Gen Y’ers are fast realizing that the days of acting like your boss works for you are over. In this new economic climate, as the article below implies, Gen Y’ers are learning to be both effective and humble in their business approach. They are realizing that coming to work early, staying late, taking on greater responsibility and looking for specific and measurable ways to solve problems contribute directly to their employability and promotability. Impacting the company’s bottom line is the measure of their contributions and often the deciding factor in whether or not someone is retained during tough times. They are also realizing that strong work exposure—the ability to really contribute on the job—trumps a non-thinking, non-active job where there is little productivity output or long term results to show.

Additionally, Gen Y’ers are learning to look at their job as an opportunity to contribute and to build valuable personal and professional skills which can help them catapult to a positions of greater responsibility and pay once the economy turns around. Those who can deliver these kinds of results will be the fuel of the new economy and the drivers of their own unlimited potential.

If you are an out of work Gen Yer because you took some liberties with a former employer or job, make amends. Admit your faults. Don’t let your pride keep you from learning your lessons, mending fences and building rapport which can help you the rest of your career. Being stubborn is a career stopper. Learning to be flexible is a career builder.

Chronicle of Higher Education
When the oldest members of Generation Y (born roughly 1978 to 1993) began graduating from college several years ago, a collective groan was heard in offices throughout Corporate America.

People said many Gen Y-ers, also called Millennials, had an excess sense of entitlement and were arrogant and lazy. They wanted to do work on their terms and it seemed they wanted feedback on that work every five minutes.

But then the economy tanked. Now, millions of Gen Y-ers are reinventing themselves to show how much, and how quickly, they can add value to their organizations.

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East Carolina U. Uses Simple Technology to Link Its Students With Peers Overseas

East Carolina University is developing innovative new ways for students in the U.S. to collaborate with their counterparts in foreign countries. What started as a modest pilot in 2003 between East Carolina U. and Soochow in China, has become a successful model for 23 universities world-wide in seventeen countries from five continents. East Carolina University has made it a point to partner with institutions world-wide who are willing and
interested in new learning models in the age of technology. But they didn’t stop there. They also enlisted the support of the U.S. State Department to help the broker relations with schools in countries they knew little about. With a fairly simple platform, these students are participating in classes for freshmen on global learning. What a way to motivate and inspire freshmen students to succeed in college, career and life!

This will, no doubt, become a new standard for learning as collaboration continues to flourish in the age of technology and global exposure becomes one of the most valued skills.

Chronicle of Higher Education

Just 1 percent of East Carolina University undergraduates study overseas.

But thanks to a pair of enterprising faculty members, a growing number of students are having international experiences without ever leaving the Greenville, N.C., campus. The university’s Global Understanding program uses inexpensive and relatively unsophisticated technology — a low-bandwidth video link and e-mail chat — to connect East Carolina students with counterparts at 23 institutions in 17 countries and five continents.

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How a Student-Friendly Kindle Could Change the Textbook Market

CAROL’S SUMMARY: How students learn and how faculty teach is changing. According the article below in THE CHRONICLE, students may soon be learning from their Kindles (Amazon’s wireless reading device), and several universities are willing to participate in a pilot to explore this opportunity.

No doubt, technology is causing us to rethink how students learn and how teachers teach both at the college and the K-12 level. In the near future, students may be studying with Kindles and their cell phones as many students in other countries are already doing. What does this mean for teachers and what does this mean for students? For teachers, it means change to a model of facilitation based on cooperation and multi-level learning. They will need to be the question-askers, getting students to learn through activities and interaction which can challenge them with content from their Kindles or their in-class computer work stations. This will allow students of different learning abilities to learn at different rates instead of being bored by a lecture which only accommodates one type of learner. Teachers
need to understand visual and technological learning in ways that will allow them to connect with how young people have grown up and what they need to both learn and understand.

What does it mean for how students learn? It means that students will have to be more active in their learning by being willing to take the initiative with other students, their learning materials and their ability to do effective project-based learning. This may well mean learning across states and across borders with students from around the world. Technology allows us to expose students to all kinds of experiences that the old world method couldn’t provide. Students will need an open and curious mind, the ability to collaborate and very strong critical and creative thinking skills to take their learning further and be a true participant in the process.

What does this mean for publishers? It means that the intersection between gaming theory and learning has never been more important. The extent to which project-based learning can emerge to add learning value, is the extent to which publishers and authors can reinvent themselves. If this happens, we will be able to raise the learning bar, overall achievement and create a future workforce who know not just how to think about problems–theirs, the community, the world’s– but also has the skill to actually solve those problems in strong, effective and practical ways.


May 6, 2009

Rumors that Amazon will introduce a wide-format Kindle have the news media and bloggers speculating about whether the new gadget will spark an electronic-textbook revolution and lighten backpacks nationwide.

This week The Wall Street Journal reported that Amazon plans to work with a handful of universities on a pilot project featuring Kindles loaded with textbooks. Officials at the institutions named in the article—Arizona State University, Case Western Reserve University, Pace University, Princeton University, Reed College, and the University of Virginia’s business school—refused to reveal details, citing nondisclosure agreements. But textbook publishers and resellers, industry watchers, and students have been happy to chime in about what the reported move might mean for them.

Most experts interviewed by The Chronicle expressed skepticism that students would buy and carry around a Kindle for textbooks, even if the device was bigger and had better annotating and Web-browsing capabilities than Amazon’s current e-book reader. But the new gadget might do something that all of the current providers of e-textbooks have failed to do—make digital textbooks seem cool.

The tough question is, How will Amazon succeed where all previous electronic-textbook efforts have failed?

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Giving Internships a Post-College Try

Internships, as the WSJ article below indicates, are one of the best ways to gain real-world experience. Even if you have already graduated, think of a way you can intern with or without pay to determine:

1) Is the career you are interested in right for you?

2) Are your skills and knowledge suited to excel in this field?

3) Do your fellow co-workers have confidence in your abilities?

4) Do you have solid “takeaways”– goals and deliverables you can call your own by the end of the internship?

5) At the end of the internship, do you feel passionate and inspired, or simply that this is a job?

If you are still in school, make sure you are able to get at least two internships. These experiences are an invaluable way to show a future employer the contributions you are capable of making in the world of work.

Wall Street Journal
Nora Cook has her dream job. As a member of the “recycling police” for the Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority in Walnut Creek, Calif., Ms. Cook, who graduated with a business economics degree from California State University East Bay in June, finds businesses that don’t recycle, educates them on the process and keeps track of their progress.

But Ms. Cook’s job isn’t the sort of full-time gig a recent college grad would be lucky to find in this economy. Rather, it’s a nine-month, 20-hour-a-week internship that she hopes will help her land a full-time position.

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Five Money Lessons for New College Grads

CAROL’S SUMMARY: This spring, as the article below indicates, graduates will face a tough economic climate. But the smartest grads who actually have the discipline to be conscious of their spending, saving and ability to delay gratification will set themselves up for long term financial success and open the greatest number of job options during thick and thin. Grads need to avoid credit card debt and realize that their credit score in life will be with them forever. So, taking the bus or riding your bike to work or walking if that is possible, may be better than being saddled with car payments each month.

Second, grads need to think carefully about who they decide to live with, sign leases with and know fully the tiny print in legal documents that may be binding. If you are not with trustworthy friends, don’t agree to share an apartment with them when they may eat your food or default on the rent which will then impact your credit. Choose your friends wisely and protect yourself.

Finally, think about the most creative ways you can earn money and save it. Work two jobs this summer. Live off the income from one and use the other job to pay down student loans and/or save for the future. Developing financial discipline is not only good for you personally, but it will be expected of you in any job you secure at a level which pays more than minimum wage.


May 3, 2009

This spring’s college grads are heading out into a world where jobs are tough to come by. The economic outlook is uncertain and all the older people they know are feeling the pain of stock-market losses.

Worse, there are all kinds of nitty-gritty details to deal with: opening bank accounts, choosing health insurance, finding an apartment, lining up transportation and figuring out how to invest. How is a young person supposed to get ahead in this environment?

It’s not easy to master money management during the best times and it’s especially hard to navigate the challenges of a recession. Still, many of the same basic principles apply in good times and bad. And getting a taste of a downturn at the start may make current graduates smarter and more thoughtful than those who graduate during boom times.

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