In a Rocky Economy, 10 Steady Tips About Student Aid

CAROL’S SUMMARY: Although the current economic crisis has complicated student aid, these ten tips are still helpful. And don’t wait.

Questions to consider:
1. Have you filled out your FAFSA?


Friday, November 7, 2008

Financial aid was already complicated. In recent months, new federal regulations and a rocky economy have made it even more so. And there might be yet more change under a new Democratic administration.

Still, there are some financial-aid basics that aren’t likely to go
Anywhere and experts say it is important not to lose sight of them. Arlina DeNardo, director of financial aid at Lafayette College, and Carolyn Lindley, director of financial aid at Northwestern University, presented their list of “must know” information at a session of the College Board’s annual conference here. This is what they say everyone high-school counselors, parents, even professors working with future or current students should know:

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